2 under 2 club

We often get asked why we decided to join the 2 under 2 club. Why we decided to have them so close in age. My sister are I are only 14 months apart. Growing up was super fun because I could switch roles with her and be her mother, friend, sister or advisor. I always knew that this is something I would want for myself – luckily Rohan was on board.

After getting married in 2015, I decided to go back to school. I wanted to from Registered Practical Nurse to Registered Nurse. This was an intense 3 year program that ran through the summer. If you ask me now, I wanted to go back to school to be in a position to earn more so I could spend more on traveling the world. At the same time, I had always wanted a baby by the time I was 30. With only a year in hand, we decided it was time! I spend my last semester consolidating while being pregnant with Myrra. I remember the day we found out and I remember how much I wished for a girl. Before finding out the gender, I had her name picked out. It was happening – with my due date only 5 days after my 30th birthday, maybe she would be there before?


Well Miss Myrra entered the world exactly on her due date and we welcomed her on September 22, 2017. After she was born, we learnt everything about a baby with her. With no kids in our friends or family, this was extremely new territory for us. Consolidating on labor and delivery or working on the postpartum unit had not prepared me at all for what was now ours to mould!

When Myrra was 10 months old, I was pregnant with Amarra. Again, her name was picked before we knew the gender. Our wish of having two girls and that to 19 months apart was coming true. We were going to be mommy and daddy to two beautiful princesses and the very thought of this excited me but Rohan was on a different tangent and he was more interested in learning how to throw an axe to keep those boys away in the future.


On April 28, 2019 we welcomed our second baby girl, Amarra into this world. I was officially part of the 2 under 2 club. I remember feeling overwhelmed at the start. We now had a toddler and a newborn to care for. How would I do it all? How would I keep the home clean and cook for everyone? My mother always supported me and said it will be hard, very very hard for the first few months at least but then it gets easier. And it did! Between Rohan and me, the house was kept reasonably clean, the food was cooked and the girls were taken care of.

As we watch them grow older together, we often feel super proud of this decision we made to have them close by. They have one another for life, they have a friend, guide and a parent in each other and most importantly, they now make my life easier because I don’t have to spend hours playing with Amarra because Myrra happily does that.

I created this space to shed some light on how life is with 2 under 2. How we manage to do it and most importantly how to make it easier for the parents while caring for 2 kids because at times it can honestly feel like your always on the go. If you are debating about this or often wonder how life with 2 under 2 will be, it wont be easy!

There are a lot of challenges being a part of the 2 under 2 club BUT for me this was worth it. I couldn’t stand the idea of waiting a few years and then start changing diapers again or get over the baby phase and do it again later on. This was enough motivation for me to have them close by. I do not regret this decision one bit because I honestly feel that in another year, I will be free of all baby duties and the girls will watch over each other. Now Myrra does not remember her life without Amarra in it and the attachment only grows each day. I cant wait to explore more with them and create beautiful memories with our baby girls in it.

2 Responses

  1. Such a beautiful post. It is indeed true that having kids close in age can be a handful but it is so rewarding and entertaining as time goes on – I speak from my own experiences. Thank you for sharing this information. There is not a lot of information available on this and it is so refreshing to read such posts.

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The Kittur's

Family Globetrotters

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