Comprehensive travel checklist for TODDLERS!

Have you heard people say that it is easier to travel with a toddler than an infant? That you will have fewer things to take for your toddler than the infant? Well let me tell you, your toddler will still have quite a bit of stuff they will need. Here is our comprehensive travel checklist for toddlers!

With an infant you will have bottles, water and formula to take. With your toddler, you need an abundance of snacks, activities and toys for them. These items are bulky and add weight. Toddlers need to do things every minute or they are constantly hungry. We purchase snacks at our destination but to be safe, we also take things we know they like for sure.

We have put together a comprehensive travel checklist for toddlers for you to consider taking for your toddler. Every child is different and their needs are different and this list works wonderfully for us. If you have any additional things you think your child may need, please by all means take those along!

Things to consider:

Some toddlers sleep in a crib. If this is true for you, please feel free to take along extra sheets for the crib. We co-slept with Myrra till she was 18 months old. We do a mix of crib and co-sleeping with Amarra now. This makes it easier on our trips as we can get two beds and sleep comfortably on them. Depending on your sleeping arrangement, you may or may not need to take a few extra things with you.

I also wanted to provide you with a list of things that we carry in her backpack and handbag!


Toddlers can wear their own backpack if they like. This also means you cannot stuff every single thing in those bags. Usually we leave an extra pair of clothes, underwear, an Ipad mini, a few snacks, a water bottle and some sort of activities in it. The bag is fairly light to carry but toddlers have a mind of their own and Myrra enjoys carrying her backpack for a little bit but then she wants nothing to do with it.


Our handbags are usually filled with most of the extra stuff from the backpack and some more items. We keep a few extra pair of clothes, lots of underwear and pants, assorted snacks, food pouches, ready microwavable food packets, medication pouch (as long as the medication bottle sizes matches the security requirement).
Typically, their backpack should have everything that the child would need during landing and take off or even when you’re out sightseeing for the day.

Comprehensive travel checklist for toddlers

I have attached two printable checklists for you to use!


  • If your child is potty trained, make sure you take a portable potty. You can purchase one that folds over a potty but can also can be used outside. The OXO potty is fantastic and it is 2-in-1. Make sure you take lots of plastic bags. Although, Myrra was potty trained, she wore diapers during naps and through the night. We always take 2 diapers per day for her and a few extras just incase.
  • During our flight, we mostly put her in diapers. She was around 2 and told us when she needed to go but it was just as a security. Contrary to what we heard, they do not regress when you chose to put them in diapers for a day. She did not pee in her diaper at all when she was awake and told us every single time.
  • We usually take microwavable food packets for the first few days incase we cannot find something she will like to eat. Toddlers can be really picky eaters. Surprised? 😉 We try to take the Gerber ready to eat containers that we know she will eat for sure.
  • If you are planning to take your car seat on the aircraft, make sure it is FAA approved. Otherwise, airlines can reject the car seat.
  • We bought a cheaper travel car seat for her that is also our backup seat in the second car. Usually car rental companies charge 25$/day to rent a car seat and there is no guarantee that you will get one. If you choose to check it in, you can do so for free – we always get ours wrapped just to make sure it is not dirty when it reaches our destination. We then use the flight harness to make sure she will not jump out of her seat during the times when the seat belt signs are on.
  • Another thing we like to carry on long trips is nail clippers.

If you are travelling with an infant as well, make sure you download the printable travel checklists for infants here!

If there are any additional things you take with you for your child, please let me know in the comments below. I hope our comprehensive travel checklist for toddlers help you and your child have a fun and relaxed trip by ensuring your child is well take care off!

Picture of The Kittur's

The Kittur's

Family Globetrotters

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